
Rants and thoughts on various art and design related topics. These include things from the world wide web to art galleries.

January 4, 2017

How to Enter a Creative Career Path

Understand Your Creativity “But I can’t draw! I’m not creative! I’m no designer … I wish I could be.” Typically, that’s the first response I hear […]
September 13, 2016

How to Navigate Your Career

At some point most of us have faced the dreaded career question from others: “What do you want to study in university?”, “What do you want […]
November 18, 2011

5 Tips for the Workaholic: How to have a life outside of freelance

There's no mistaking it - we work day and night, night and day to be the best in our fields. If you're passionate about your work you probably find yourself missing a life outside of work where at the end of the day you're no more social than the guy who was watching TV for 12 hours a day.
August 19, 2011

Proper Storage for Your Fine Art and Designs

I finally decided to get up off my lazy butt and properly store away my University artwork from 3 years ago. Of course being 3 years too late to properly store away art entailed some damages to my paintings that are irreversible. But if you're reading this it's not too late to save your paintings, drawings, prints, and artwork from melting away.